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    Cleaning products for hearing aids and earmolds

    Cleaning hearing aids? Clean your hearing aids and earpieces thoroughly with our hearing aid cleaning products. We are also the right place for drying your hearing aid. We call that Delicious Hearing! Show more
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      Cleaning hearing aids

      Do you clean your hearing aid? Various products for cleaning earmolds and hearing aids from Cedis, Audinell and Take Care. And of course for cleaning the auditory canal and preventing accumulated earwax you will also find in our online shop. And for drying and keeping your hearing aids dry, you will find a wide range of drying agents for hearing aids and in-ear monitors.

      Cleaning hearing aids

      Proper and thorough cleaning of your hearing aid will not only prolong the life of your hearing aid, it will also prevent microorganisms from developing on earmolds, for example. By drying the hearing aid properly, you can avoid expensive repair costs.

      It is best to use a hearing aid cleaning wipe to make your hearing aid nice and fresh. These agents have an action time of 1 minute and are suitable for cleaning your hearing aid without causing damage.

      We supply products from Cedis, among others, for cleaning earpieces and of course the largest range of drying devices for hearing aids. Clean your hearing aids with products from

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