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    hearing aid drying box

    Do you ever experience interference in your hearing aid? It could just be due to moisture in your hearing aid. With our drying boxes for hearing aids, you can prevent a lot of malfunctions. Check them out! Show more


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    25 Products
    Phonak Charger Combi Case charger II

    Phonak Charger Combi Case charger II

    Phonak Charger Combi Case charger for Phonak's R...


    In stock
    € 139,95
    Oticon SmartCharger

    Oticon SmartCharger

    The Oticon SmartCharger is a handy charger that ...


    In stock
    € 169,-
    Phonak Charge and Care

    Phonak Charge and Care

    Phonak Charge and care is a charger and UV dryin...


    In stock
    € 139,95

    Featured brands for hearing aid drying box

    • AllesVoorOren
    • Audinell
    • Bernafon
    • Cedis
    • Dry&Store
    • Flow Med
    • Oticon
    • Phonak
    • Widex
    NU met USB-C!
    Dry Cap UV 3.1 Dry Box for rechargeable hearing aids


    In stock
    € 78,90
    Drycare drying box

    Drycare drying box

    This Drycare drying box is our cost-effective so...


    In stock
    € 57,95
    Audinell Cleaning Tablets 20 Pieces

    Audinell Cleaning Tablets 20 Pieces

    Audinell cleaning tablets, pack of 20, keep your...


    In stock
    € 5,95
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    Audinell PerfectDome

    Audinell PerfectDome

    The Perfect Dome is an advanced UV-C drying syst...


    In stock
    € 79,-
    PerfectDry Lux Drybox

    PerfectDry Lux Drybox

    Perfect Dry Lux from Widex is a nice little dryi...


    In stock
    € 64,95
    Dry Briks Drying Tablets

    Dry Briks Drying Tablets

    Dry Briks II Drying Tablets: Your Partner for Dr...


    In stock
    € 12,25
    Opladen en Drogen in één
    Bernafon Charger Plus for MiniRite T R

    Bernafon Charger Plus for MiniRite T R

    Bernafon Charger Plus is a handy charger with wh...


    In stock
    € 169,-
    Dry Cap UV-2.1 Drying box for rechargeable hearing aids


    In stock
    € 74,50
    Audinell drying capsules 4 pieces

    Audinell drying capsules 4 pieces

    Do you dry your hearing aids enough? Prevent mal...


    In stock
    € 5,10

    Drying boxes for hearing aids

    A hearing aid drying box prevents malfunctions in your hearing aid. Anyone who has ever had a malfunction in their hearing aid knows exactly how annoying this is, you hear cracking or the device suddenly stops working altogether. The number one cause of complaints related to interference in your hearing aid is: Moisture. Although most hearing aids can really take a beating, moisture is really disastrous for your hearing aid. You may then consider using a hearing aid drying box, also known as a drying cabin for your hearing aid. The advantage of a good drying device is that it lasts for years and your hearing devices are safely stored away when you are sleeping.

    Additional benefits hearing aid drying box

    We supply various drying boxes for hearing aids. An additional advantage is that most of the drying boxes we sell have a built-in UV lamp. During the drying cycle, this lamp turns on for a few minutes and irradiates your hearing aids with special UV light. This kills fungi, bacteria and viruses. Up to 99.9% of all harmful micro-organisms do not survive this. As a result, you always have a clean hearing aid and earpiece. And it is totally harmless for your hearing aids.

    So which drying box should I buy?

    Which drying box is best for you to buy, we leave it up to you. We supply a suitable drying box for hearing aids for every budget. Regardless of the brand, all drying boxes have been tested and approved by us. We indicate the pros and cons of each drying box with the article.

    Step-by-step plan for daily cleaning of hearing aids

    1. Clean your hearing aid and dome or earpiece and wipe off with a cleaning cloth for hearing aids
    2. Open the battery compartment of your hearing aid
    3. Put the hearing aids in the drying box and close the lid
    4. Press the button to start the drying process

    What other drying agents are on sale?

    We supply drying tablets or capsules of all brands. This works great if you go on holiday and can't take a drying box with you. Then use a box that you can seal tightly and put a drying capsule or tablet in there. These capsules extract moisture from the environment so that it also disappears from your hearing aid. For some drying boxes, there are special drying tablets such as the DRY BRIK II. Of course, these are also in our range. So if you are looking for drying boxes for hearing aids, you know you have come to the right place at

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