Filters for hearing aids
Many people wonder what a filter for a hearing aid speaker does. We are happy to explain what a filter system is, what brands there are and how to replace them yourself.
Why do you need a filter for hearing aids?
Every human produces earwax. This handy little substance protects the ear from dust and dirt and actually ensures that the inner housekeeping is well regulated.
Many people clean the ears with a cotton swab, for example, which is actually counterproductive. Rummaging in the ear will only make the ear produce more earwax because it thinks there is something in there that does not belong. Also, you push the earwax further and further towards the eardrum where it eventually becomes hard and black. You then have to go to the GP or ENT doctor to have the ears sprayed or suctioned out. Remember that an ear is a self-cleaning organ. in fact, you don't need to do anything about it. The ear automatically "works" out things that do not belong in it, as it were. Yet sometimes you may need a remedy to soften your earwax. That is what we have audiol spray for.
The same more or less happens when people wear a hearing aid with a speaker in the ear. The ear can temporarily produce much more earwax, which can clog up the speaker's opening. This is where the filter system comes in. In the opening of the receiver there should be a small filter that prevents wax from entering the receiver. And that is something that should always be prevented.
This is because the speaker can malfunction if earwax gets into it. If the hearing aid filter gets clogged, sound quality can deteriorate and if the filter is completely clogged with earwax, the device no longer works. No more sound can get through and it is time to replace the hearing aid filter. Every manufacturer does have a filter system for its speakers. For example, there are the Nanocare Filters from Widex And Oticon has various filters for hearing aids.Resound, Phonak and Unitron also have their own filters.
Change filter for hearing aid how often?
We get asked this question more often. How often should I change my hearing aid filter? That is difficult to say because everyone is different and some people produce more earwax than others. We always say that when your hearing aid starts to function less, or no sound comes out at all, you should change the filter. Therefore, always make sure that you have enough hearing aid filters in stock, as it always comes at a bad time.
Of course, you can also change hearing aid filters preventively.
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