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    Oticon Domes, tips or caps

    Oticon domes for your hearing aid. If you have a miniRite hearing aid from Bernafon, Sonic or Oticon. Then these will fit too! All sizes available and fast delivery! Show more
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      Oticon domes, umbrella, tip or cap?

      Oticon has a nice range of domes or tips for hearing aids. Dome translates to Dutch as "dome" and that's exactly what it is. This dome is attached to the part that goes into your ear if you have a Speaker in the ear hearing aid. But hearing aids with a thin sound tube from Oticon, Bernafon or Sonic also use a dome. This little dome has more features than you might think at first glance.

      When do I replace my Oticon domes?

      Oticon has made the MiniFit transparent domes. These can discolour over time due to the acidity of the ear. They can also lose their grip on the speaker or tube if they are taken off frequently to replace the Oticon filter, for example. You can usually tell when your dome is due for replacement.

      How do I determine the size of my Oticon dome?

      It is not complicated at all. Oticon has several sizes of domes, ranging from 5 mm to 12 mm. This has to do with the size of your ear canal. Once you have determined which type of dome you are using, measure the widest point of the dome. Then you will immediately have the diameter.

      How do I know which type of Oticon domes I need?

      • Oticon Minifit domes are completely transparent and come in black packaging.
      • Oticon Rite domes are milky transparent and come in white packaging.
      • There are also domes with a double "dome" These are called Oticon Power Domes
      • There are also closed domes with 1 or 2 small holes in them. These are called Oticon "Bas Domes"

      Take a good look at your dome and then make a choice in our Oticon Domes webshop.

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