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    Hearing aid Tips and Domes

    Hearing aid tips, domes or umbrellas, those little things that go in your ear when you wear a hearing aid. Sometimes they break or wear out. A nice fresh new dome then does wonders! Show more


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    25 Products
    Oticon Minifit Grip Tips

    Oticon Minifit Grip Tips

    Oticon Minifit Grip Tips are sold per 2 pieces. ...


    € 13,25
    Starkey RIC Comfort domes

    Starkey RIC Comfort domes

    Starkey domes for RIC and Thin Tube hearing aids...


    In stock
    € 13,15
    Bernafon Nano Rite domes

    Bernafon Nano Rite domes

    Nanorite domes for Bernafon's nanorite speakers....


    In stock
    € 13,93

    Featured brands for Hearing aid Tips and Domes

    • Bernafon
    • Coselgi
    • Oticon
    • Phonak
    • Resound
    • Signia / Siemens
    • Starkey
    • Unitron
    • Widex
    Resound SureFit 3 Domes

    Resound SureFit 3 Domes

    Resound SureFit 3 Domes for the 2 C speakers of ...


    In stock
    € 15,95
    Siemens Life domes

    Siemens Life domes

    Siemens domes/tips for the Life series with holl...


    In stock
    € 23,95
    Widex Instant open round eartip

    Widex Instant open round eartip

    Widex Instant open round dome for Widex Sheer he...


    In stock
    € 16,95
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    Coselgi Speaker domes

    Coselgi Speaker domes

    These domes from Coselgi. Are suitable for the s...


    In stock
    € 12,50
    Resound Surefit 2 Domes

    Resound Surefit 2 Domes

    Nieuw dopje of parapluutje voor je Resound LIHO ...


    In stock
    € 17,95
    Resound Receiver domes

    Resound Receiver domes

    Resound Receiver domes are specially designed fo...


    In stock
    € 22,50
    3.0 Sleeves Signia for 3.0 Receiver and 3.0 tubes


    In stock
    € 19,95
    EarWear 3.0 domes Signia

    EarWear 3.0 domes Signia

    EarWear 3.0 Tips from Signia. You can use these ...


    In stock
    € 15,95
    Widex Power Sleeves

    Widex Power Sleeves

    Widex sleeves offer high acoustic stability with...


    In stock
    € 11,99

    Hearing aid domes, tips or umbrellas

    Hearing aid domes and hearing aid tips can be bought simply online. A dome is attached to the part that goes into the ear, often on a speaker or tube system. Looking for domes for your hearing aids? Check out our collection of domes and tips for various brands of hearing aids. These caps for hearing aids people also call umbrella domes or ear tip. Flups we've also heard :).

    In our webshop, you will find all the domes and tips for hearing aids there are. Simply because there are so many brands of hearing aids. Make sure you order the right dome or tip. Often audiologists fit a different brand of dome on the hearing aid because the standard dome does not fit properly or there is something special wrong with the ear canal.

    Domes for hearing aids

    But most people just have a standard tip on the hearing aid. All you need to know then is the right size, type and brand. for example, there are domes from oticon, Domes from Phonak and from many other hearing aid brands.

    When should I replace my dome?

    Due to constantly taking the dome in and out of the ear and due to the acidity of the ear itself, the dome does not have an eternal life. So you will have to replace it from time to time. The easiest way is to set a fixed time for this, say once a month. If your dome comes off the speaker very easily or if it starts to fray, then it really is time to replace the dome.

    If you put the wrong dome or tip on your hearing aid, you risk it not staying on the speaker or tube properly. The tip will then stay behind in your ear, requiring you to visit your GP or ENT doctor to have it removed.

    In doubt whether you are ordering the right umbrella for your hearing aid? Then just contact our customer service. That's what we're here for!

    Cleaning dome for hearing aids

    Of course you need to clean the dome regularly, best done with a cleaning cloth for hearing aids. You will find these in our cleaning range. Below is a step-by-step plan for cleaning your hearing aid with dome. Preferably do this at night before going to bed. Then put your hearing aids in a drying box for the night.

    For in-ear speakers:

    1. Remove the dome from the hearing aid TIP: check the filter right away.
    2. Take a cleaning cloth in your hand put the dome on it and gently rub the dome with two fingers. The dome is flexible so it's best to apply a bit of force. Do the inside as well.
    3. Once you have checked the filter (for speakers) replace the dome.
    4. Put your hearing aid back in or put it in the drying cabinet for the night.

    For hearing aids with a thin hearing tube:

    1. Remove the dome from the tube TIP: immediately check that the tube is clean.
    2. Take a cloth in your hand put the dome on it and gently rub the dome with two fingers. The dome is flexible so it is best to apply a little force. Also do the inside.
    3. Once you have checked the tubing, replace the dome.
    4. Put your hearing aid back in or put it in the drying cabinet for the night.

    If you do this daily then you will get the most out of your hearing aids and dome.

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