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    Tips, domes or plugs for Phonak hearing aids

    Domes for Phonak hearing aids. Do you have a speaker in the ear hearing aid or one with a tube? Then replace the dome, tip or cap of your Phonak hearing aid with our Phonak domes. Show more
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      Phonak domes for hearing aids

      Looking for a dome, tip or cap for your hearing aids? Look no further because we have Phonak domes in our range. Phonak now has the Smokey domes. These have a new design, discolour less quickly and are also less visible in your ear canal due to the dark colour.

      When should I replace my Phonak dome?

      That's hard to say. A Phonak dome lasts quite a long time. If you have to take the cap off your speaker often to replace your filter, a dome can sometimes break down. But ordinary use can also damage a dome. An ear canal is a hostile environment for a dome, partly due to its very high acidity. Once the dome has completely lost its shape, frays or tears off completely, it is time to replace your dome.

      Why are there different sizes of domes?

      Not everyone has the same ears or ear canal. For example, you may even need a Phonak Smokey M dome on one side and a Phonak Smokey S dome on the other.

      The hearing aid is also set to use a certain size dome. Especially if you have a closed dome (with no holes all around), it is important that you order the right size and type of dome. There are even domes from Phonak with a double dome. We call these the Powerdomes. These are very suitable for more severe hearing problems and people who use a Power Speaker.

      What is the difference between the Phonak Smokey domes and the new 4.0 domes?

      Phonak has changed the design of the speakers simultaneously with its new line of hearing aids. This means that the "old" domes do not fit properly on the new speakers. Phonak calls this Sound delivery System 4.0. This is the case from the Marvel platform onwards. It is therefore important to know which hearing aid you are wearing. Always check which letter for the type is on the hearing aid. Is this an S, C, Q, V or B? Then use a Phonak Smokey dome. Does it say M, for example? Then you should use the Phonak domes 4.0.

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