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    Hearing aid batteries

    You'll just see, you're enjoying a birthday or a show and suddenly the batteries of your hearing aids are dead. Fortunately, we supply the best hearing aid batteries available today. Show more
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      Ordering hearing aid batteries online

      Looking for batteries for your hearing aid? Hearing batteries or Hearing aid batteries are small button cell batteries especially for hearing aids. They come in various sizes. The smallest hearing battery available is the nr10, which also has the shortest life span. Of course, your choice of hearing aid battery depends on the hearing aid you wear.

      Very important is the current the battery continues to deliver to the hearing aid in its lifetime. The better the battery the better the operations your hearing aid makes in terms of speech understanding, etc. some batteries start losing power slowly right from the start, which means your hearing aid cannot do the calculations properly and you understand less. This is why we only sell batteries from reputable manufacturers such as Rayovac and Power One.

      Which hearing aid battery do I need for my hearing aid?

      Which type of batteries you need for your hearing aid depends on the model and type. Some hearing aid brands have the same model but with a different battery type. For example, a Phonak Audeo is available with a 312 battery but also with a 13 battery. It is therefore important that you order the right battery for your hearing aid.

      Hearing aid batteries, what's special about them?

      A battery for a hearing aid uses zinc-air technology. This means that as soon as you remove the small sticker, the battery starts working. Our advice is always to take the sticker off the battery and leave it for a minute so that oxygen can activate the zinc in the battery. You will then do much longer with your battery. Of course, you can also dispose of your used hearing aid batteries at our shop. We are affiliated with Stibat. Also read our blog article on hearing aid batteries to learn even more about these clever little friends.

      Funny to know is that but there are 4 different types of hearing aid batteries:

      • Type 312 ( Also called PR41)
      • Type 10 (Also called PR70)
      • Type 13 (Also called PR48)
      • Type 675 (also called PR44)

      These batteries also all have their own colour so you can see at a glance which battery you need.

      • Battery 312 is Brown
      • Battery 10 is Yellow
      • Battery 13 is Orange
      • Battery 675 is Blue

      You now know just about everything it takes to make a good choice for your hearing aid battery. Take a good look at your hearing aid manual or check an old pack of your batteries to see which ones you can order. We always have plenty of them in stock!

      Another fun fact: Did you know that an empty hearing aid battery bounces and a full one does not? Try it!

      Buy hearing aid batteries online for the lowest price and best service at

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