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    Doorbell and telephone signalling

    Sometimes you need a Doorbell and telephone signalling system. Especially if you cannot hear the doorbell. Then a special doorbell for the hearing impaired offers a solution. Show more
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      Hearing the doorbell better with doorbell amplification

      Very often we are asked if there is not a special Doorbell and telephone signalling system for people who cannot hear the doorbell properly. If you are looking for something like this, then you have come to the right place.

      With our doorbell systems that make a very loud sound or sometimes even combined with flashing lights, you will no longer miss anyone standing at the door.

      Doorbell and telephone signalling in flats and porch flats

      What is very common, for example, is flats where there is a doorbell downstairs at the entrance and at the house itself. The problem with this is that the house bell system hangs in the hallway and if the door to the living room is closed then you cannot hear it properly.

      With a doorbell amplifier, you actually move the signal from the front door to the living room so you always know if someone is at the door.

      With our Doorbell and telephone signalling for the hearing impaired, you can easily achieve a greater degree of independence.

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