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    Listening aid for the hard of hearing

    Hearing aids TV with or without hearing aids in? With our products, it is possible! We offer top-quality TV aids from various brands. Use the filter menu to find exactly what you are looking for! Show more
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      Hearing aids TV for the hard of hearing

      If you want to enjoy watching TV, sometimes you're still short of hearing aids, a TV listening aid can help. Have you ever heard Matthijs van Nieuwkerk? He talks almost faster than an American auctioneer! That's why it's useful to know that there are special TV hearing aids for the hard of hearing.

      More than hearing aids TV

      If this only makes you think of an amplifier with plugs in your ears, you are wrong. There are also systems that work together with your hearing aids. For example, there are various hearing aids for TV that you can use perfectly well with your hearing aid's "T" position, and sometimes there are even systems that are specially made for your specific hearing aid. This way, you can understand the TV just fine and, as an added benefit, the TV does not have to be turned up so you don't need to call the hit-and-run judge if you get into an argument with the neighbours over the loud noise of your TV!

      Official dealer of Hearing Aids TV

      In this category you will find various audio and TV hearing aids and amplifiers for the hearing impaired. including Humantechnik and Geemarc hearing systems, teleloops, Hearing aids TV and headphones especially for the hearing impaired.

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