Signia NanoCare are replacement wax filters for the Signia 3.0 range, including the Signia Mini Receiver 3.0 and Signia Thin Tubes 3.0. Ensure that your hearing aid continues to perform optimally by protecting it against dirt and earwax build-up!
Replacing your filter depends entirely on personal use and earwax build-up. Most hearing aid users replace their filters every 3-4 weeks, but for others it may be biweekly or every other month. When cleaning your hearing aid, check earwax production - if your filter is clogged, you know it's time to replace.
How to use:
These steps work for many hearing aids. However, if your hearing aid has a dome, you will need to remove it before replacing your wax filter. Follow this simple procedure to remove your wax filter:
A new filter is typically mounted on the end of a tool that looks like a stick, and on the other side of the tool you have a pin.
Remove the tool from the packaging and push the pin into the used washing filter.
Gently pull the tool until the used filter is released.
Once the used filter is removed, you need to insert the new filter. Use the tool to insert the new filter into the speaker/receiver.
Remove the tool and the new filter should be safely housed in your hearing aid and ready to use.
These NanoCare wash filters are only compatible with the Signia 3.0 Mini Receiver or the 3.0 Mini Tubes.
8 Signia washing filters